Mac Tips
Safari (Chrome)

  • highlight the web address
    command + L
  • reload (refresh)
    command + r
  • open new link in new tab
    command + click the link
  • select all
    command + a
  • new tab
    command + t
  • make the current page as bookmark
    command + d
  • print the page to PDF(s)
    1. choose File -> Export as PDF -> choose your folder
    2. File -> Print (command + p)
    3. choose the PDF menu option at the button
    4. choose Save as PDF -> choose your folder
  • zoom in
    command + =
  • zoom out
    command + -
  • go back webpage
    command + [
  • forward webpage
    command + ]
  • switch to left tab
    command + shift + [
  • switch to right tab
    command + shift + ]
  • go to the 1st tab
    command + left arrow
  • go to the last tab
    command + right arrow

PDF (Preview)

  • rotate right / left picture file or PDF file
    1. open the file (picture or PDF)
    2. command + r to rotate Right
    3. command + L to rotate Left
  • delete one / some of the pages in PDF
    1. open PDF file
    2. press option + command + 2 to show the thumbnails
    3. click the page and press delete, or
    4. hold Shift key and click the pages, then press delete
    5. press command + w to save and close it
  • change the order of pages in PDF
    1. open PDF file
    2. press option + command + 2 to show the thumbnails
    3. click and hold the page, drag it up or down to change the order
    4. press command + w to save and close it
  • zoom in
    command + =
  • zoom out
    command + -
  • insert / merge with other PDF file(s)
    1. open PDF file
    2. press option + command + 2 to show the thumbnails
    3. drag another PDF file to the current PDF, choose the order you like
    4. press command + w to save and close it
  • preview the PDF without opening Preview
    space bar or command + y

Finder (folder) and Others

  • select all files
    command + a
  • deselect all files
    option + command + a
  • switch program
    command + tab (hold the command key and press tab key to choose the opened programs you want)
  • rename file or folder
    1. choose a file
    2. enter (return)
    3. type the name you want
    4. enter (return) again
  • open file or folder
    command + o
  • delete file(s) or folder(s)
    1. choose the file(s) or folder(s)
    2. command + delete
  • go back folder
    command + [
  • forward folder
    command + ]
  • create new folder
    command + shift + n
  • copy, paste function
    command + c (copy)
    command + v (paste)
  • how to cut
    1. copy your source (command + c)
    2. cut to your destination (option + command + v)
  • print (works almost everywhere)
    command + p
  • enter or exit full screen mode (not for all Apps)
    control + command + f
  • capture the selected area on screen
    command + shift + 4
  • capture the selected windows
    command + shift + 4, then spacebar
  • to insert special accented characters
    1. hold option
    2. type anything
  • move the cursor to the beginning or end of the line
    command + left or right arrow
  • small calculator
    1. command + spacebar ("Spotlight Search" appears)
    2. type 2-1 (you would see the calculation)
    3. Press "esc" key to exit it
  • minimize the window/finder you are working on
    command + m
  • minimize all the windows at the same time
    option + yellow button
  • close the window(s)/program
    command + w (close the window or program)
    command + option + w (close all the windows)
    command + q (close/quit the program)
  • force quit program (if you are sure the program hangs)
    1. press and hold option key
    2. mouse right click icon on the dock
    3. choose Force Quit
    1. option + command + esc
    2. choose the program and click "Force Quit"
  • force quit program directly
    option + shift + command + esc
  • preview the file without opening the program (not for all file formats)
    1. choose the document or picture file
    2. space bar or command + y
  • switch to left folder
    command + shift + [
  • switch to right folder
    command + shift + ]
  • shutdown directly
    control + option + command + eject
  • restart
    control + command + eject
  • sleep
    option + command + eject
  • spotlight (to search something from the whole system)
    command + spacebar
  • to search something from App (safari, mail, Finder...)
    command + f

@Designed by Mimi, Computer Lab

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